czwartek, 20 grudnia 2007

Bonjour Auguste!

Thats first samples of my comics. Two different color versions - I like this second but I know that some people like the first one, I think it's because of that its a bit more classic then the second photoshop corrected pic. Hmm... The title - I just like the sound of that. I've heared it once on rue de soufflot, when some older guy was passing nearby and met his friend (I think they were friends) and shouted at him: Bonjour Auguste:D Rest od the the text is fictious as well as the script that I'm preparing:) It's a lot of fun to make a comics! This will be my first ever!

5 komentarzy:

Anonimowy pisze...

Nice & warm style, but try to add some french architecture in the background. Ah'think it should add more "Paris feeling". best wishes
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mika pisze...

jak dla mnie bomba to 2 :D lubie prostote, ale wole ja urozmaicona jak w 2

Anonimowy pisze...

Piękne, proszę Pani, piękne.

I też liczę na piwo ;)

Sherlock Sztybor

mb pisze...

jak dla mnie mnóstwo jest paryskiego uczucia tutaj :) jeszcze jak muzyczki się słucha, ech
śliczne te graficzki, Bereniko!

Rybb pisze...
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